
Welcome to the internet's first Insektors screenshot gallery! Seperated by episode, you will find high-quality images. And these aren't just one or two images, either. Each gallery will have at least 50-70 individual images. Enjoy!

Usage Policy
You may use these images in what ever way you like. Making icons, signatures, wallpapers.. doesn't matter! I'd be more than happy to see these images used creatively! However, there is one exception: If you decide to use these images on your own website, unaltered, then I do have two rules:

1) Do NOT directly link to these images. Meaning, don't use an img src code using the URLs of the images on my server. This is bad, and wastes bandwidth. Please upload them to your own server!

2) Do not take credit for them. That's just not very nice. I have spent a lot of time screencapping, uploading, and editing these to put up on my website. I want other people to use them for their enjoyment; hence why I haven't put up any ugly watermarks on them, but if you choose to put them on your own website, all I ask is a simple link back to my site. I would appreciate it!

under construction!

As per the new layout, the Gallery pages will be under construction for awhile, as it will take a lot of time for me to re-code everything to work properly again. Please pardon the temporary ugliness. For now, I've linked to the old gallery pages so you can still access them.

The Kolour Guitar / The Musical Colour Gun

Flowers for Bakrakra / Flowers for Catheter

Koa the Frog / Frogbucket

Daffodil Kraze / The Rescue

The Eskape

Planet Karbon / The Black Planet

The Koleopter / The Daffodil Collector

Katerpillar / The Mechanical Digger

Troglodyte Rock / The Prince of Rock

The Sky Breakers / The Weather Forecast

Elektrik Night / Close Encounters

Konkord Bridge / The Diplomatic Bridge

Great Pyro's Sekrets / Godfrey's Secret

Fulgor's Kwest / Krud Confessions

Krabo's Kase / Sick at Heart

Bird Kalls / If Chickens Could Fly

Lukanus' Koncert / The Cage

Katch Me If You Kan / Athletics

Kataklysm / Comet

Suksession / Ruling Classes

Kourt Kase / Accused

It's Katching / Epidemic

The Kure

Kalkulator / Sparkie and Co.

Spektre / A Spectre Calls

Katakombs / The Cave

SPECIAL - No Presents for Christmas